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What Does An Enlarged Prostate Look Like On The Outside

By Bryan Perry
February 6, 2024
What Does An Enlarged Prostate Look Like On The Outside


“What does an enlarged prostate look like on the‍ outside?” This question ⁣weighs heavily on the minds of many curious individuals eager for a comprehensive answer. At its ⁢most‌ fundamental level, an enlarged prostate really doesn’t have an external appearance.​ As ‌the⁢ prostate is an internal organ, its enlargement is ​seldom visible from the ⁢outside. Nevertheless, this enlargement, also known as⁣ benign‍ prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), might trigger a variety of discernible symptoms. This ‌article will deep-dive⁢ into the murky waters of this medical condition, ⁣giving the public‍ an insider’s view while addressing their most ⁤common queries.

An Overview of the Prostate

To truly understand what an enlarged⁤ prostate might look like on the outside, it’s essential,​ to begin with, the ‍basics: what exactly is the prostate? The prostate is akin to a small, walnut-sized gland that plays⁢ a paramount role in the male reproductive system, producing the seminal‍ fluid. It sits⁢ just below the bladder⁤ and surrounds the urethra – the tube through which urine passes. While the prostate itself isn’t externally visible, a change in its size can affect men’s daily routines significantly.

The Intricacies of Prostate Enlargement

It’s a well-known⁢ truth that as men age, the size of ‌their prostate tends ⁤to gradually increase. Despite its commonplace nature, this routine increase‍ can occasionally be problematic. An ​enlarged prostate could press against the urethra, creating a variety of urinary symptoms that can be difficult to ignore.

Manifestations of an Enlarged Prostate ⁣

So what are⁤ these ​external manifestations that ‍could hint towards an enlarged prostate? Trouble beginning to urinate or having ‌to urinate frequently, especially at night, are two primary signals. Additional symptoms could include a weak urine stream⁤ or‌ a sense that the bladder is not completely empty even after urination.

Interpreting the Signs

While these symptoms on their own might ‍not be an immediate⁣ call for ‍alarm,​ persistent issues should never be brushed under the rug. It’s important to note that these symptoms are not a surefire sign of an enlarged prostate – they could be indicative of other ⁣health​ conditions, and professional medical advice should always be sought.

Diagnosis & Treatment ‍

Once the symptoms start ‌to interfere with⁣ daily life, it’s time to take action. Doctors are equipped ⁢with the⁣ tools and ​knowledge to⁤ diagnose an enlarged prostate with a simple physical‌ exam, blood tests,⁤ and sometimes additional tests like a urodynamic and a prostate biopsy. Various treatments ranging from medication, surgery and lifestyle changes can help manage these symptoms and improve the quality ‌of life.

Life With an Enlarged ‍Prostate

Fortunately, an enlarged prostate is not a ‌death sentence. Thousands​ of men live fulfilling lives despite their diagnosis, with medication or lifestyle modifications working their magic to​ ameliorate unpleasant symptoms.


While an enlarged prostate might⁣ not exhibit visible signs on⁣ the outside, its mark on one’s life can be⁢ significant. Knowledge and awareness go hand-in-hand in managing this condition, and understanding your body’s ​signs and signals is the first line of defense.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some common symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

Common symptoms can​ include frequent urination, ‍especially ‍at night, difficulty ⁤starting and‌ stopping urination, and a sense⁢ of not fully emptying the ‌bladder.

2. ‌ Is an enlarged prostate a sign of cancer?

No, an enlarged prostate is often ​a benign condition and does not necessarily mean you have‌ prostate cancer.⁢ However, it can ​still be a good idea to get checked by⁣ a doctor if symptoms persist.

3. Does an enlarged prostate affect sexual performance?

While an enlarged prostate does ​not necessarily affect ‍a man’s ability to perform sexually, some symptoms​ and treatments may‍ lead to sexual ⁢dysfunction.

4. How is an enlarged prostate diagnosed?

An enlarged prostate is diagnosed through​ a combination of ⁤physical exams, medical history,⁤ and various medical tests including a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ‌blood test and a digital rectal examination.

5. What treatments are available for ⁢an enlarged‍ prostate?

Treatment options ⁣can range from watchful waiting⁢ for ‌mild symptoms, medication, or surgery ⁣for‍ more severe cases. Lifestyle changes ⁣can also help manage symptoms. Always‍ consult​ with a healthcare professional for personal ​medical advice.



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